
Nataša Teofilović

Autobiographies (Autobiography | Silence, 3D animation, 2019, 2:08; Autobiography | Breathing, video performance, 2021, 5:35; Autobiography | Healing, conversation with the artist, Conference Society and Art in a Forced Reality, Ars Electronica Garden Novi Sad, Danube Dialogues, 2021)
Video triptych, 2022

Video triptych consists of three “autobiographies” — Autobiography | Silence, Autobiography | Breathing and Autobiography | Healing. The works were created in the period 2019–2021, which was generally marked by the pandemic and all its consequences: unease, isolation, forced return to living space, as well as general virtualisation of work and communication. In the context of art and these works, personal, private and intimate are inverted by exposure and they become public. Extorted behaviouralism thematises personal work on “healing” of the living space, as well as gradual, slow personal transformation directed towards constructive and constantly changing way of life.